Deploy Tabular Model to server using PowerShell

This PowerShell script can be used to deploy a Cube or a Tabular Model solution to any Server (local/remote) using PowerShell.

Run the script below by updating the following parameters:

  • Server Name
  • Deployment File path
  • Cube Name
  • Analysis Services Database

This PowerShell script can also be used for configuring Release Management, Release Management Online (RMO) and other various Build Pipelines.



Function DeployCube ($AsdatabaseFilePath) {
    Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Deployment.exe $AsdatabaseFilePath /s
    "Deployment of $CubeName to $ServerName completed."

# Start deployment
# Initialize the default script exit code.

try {
    #Deployment of Cube_DataSources on $ServerName started
    $scriptpath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
    $dir = Split-Path $scriptpath
    $destination = Split-Path -Path $dir -Parent
    $loc = $destination + $FilePath + $ASDatabaseFileName + '.deploymentoptions'

    [xml]$CubeXML = Get-Content $loc
    $CubeXML.DeploymentOptions.ProcessingOption = 'DoNotProcess'

    $targetPath = $destination + $FilePath + $ASDatabaseFileName + '.deploymenttargets'
    [xml]$CubeXML = Get-Content $targetPath
    $CubeXML.DeploymentTarget.Database = $CubeName
    $CubeXML.DeploymentTarget.Server = $ServerName
    $CubeXML.DeploymentTarget.ConnectionString = 'DataSource=' + $ServerName + ';Timeout=0'
    $Filename = $destination + $FilePath + $AsdatabaseFileName + '.asdatabase'
    #Write Output $Filename
    DeployCube ($Filename)
    $exitCode = 0;
catch {
    $exitCode = -1;

# Indicate the resulting exit code to the calling process.
if ($exitCode -lt 0) {
    "`nERROR: Operation failed with error code $exitCode."
exit $exitCode